> On 21 Dec 2017, at 04:54, Nathan Hartman <hartman.nat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 20, 2017, at 7:23 PM, Ben Stuyts <b...@altus-escon.com 
> <mailto:b...@altus-escon.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Nathan,
>>> On 20 Dec 2017, at 16:31, Nathan Hartman <hartman.nat...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:hartman.nat...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> On Dec 20, 2017, at 10:17 AM, Ben Stuyts <b...@altus-escon.com 
>>> <mailto:b...@altus-escon.com>> wrote:
>>>> TI’s Stellarisware library for the LM3S series chips uses lwIP v1.3.1. By 
>>>> any chance, has anybody ported lwIP v2.0.3 to Stellarisware?
>>>> They basically #include all the lwIP *.c files into a single lwiplib.c 
>>>> file and compile that. Also not sure if their own interface/porting layer 
>>>> code is compatible with v2.0.3.
>>> Not sure if LM3S is the same family or related to TI's Tiva-C a.k.a. TM4C 
>>> family (TI bought Stellaris and renamed it to Tiva) but what Ben describes 
>>> is exactly how TivaWare implements lwIP.
>> Yes, same thing. Cortex M3 vs M4 core is the main difference. TI ran into 
>> manufacturing problems with the LM3S series and developed the TM4C as a 
>> successor. TI stopped support for Stellarisware for the LM3S series and then 
>> renamed/forked it to TivaWare (or some such) for the TM4C chips. In the 
>> beginning it was more or less compatible, but I believe (!) it has diverged 
>> quite a bit now.
>>> TivaWare is TI's driver library / bare bones framework for the TM4C family. 
>>> It's stuck on lwIP version 1.4.1. As far as I know TI did not express any 
>>> interest in updating TivaWare to use newer lwIP. 
>> LM3S series is NRND, and I wouldn’t touch the TM4C series with a ten feet 
>> pole because of that. But we have a couple of designs with an LM3S8938 that 
>> I’d like to update to get access to the latest lwIP features.
>>> We want to upgrade our code to 2.0.3 as well. If anyone knows of a working 
>>> port for this platform or what adaptations must be made then please point 
>>> us to it. Ben, if none exists then perhaps we can combine our efforts.
>> Definitely interested. But if anybody has already done some work on it, 
>> please let us know.
> Are you familiar with e2e? Some searching has revealed this post:
> I haven't studied in depth yet (will hopefully tomorrow morning) but 
> supposedly someone named John Piliounis has gotten 2.0.2 to work.
> I'll see what else I can dig up. Perhaps the thing to do is to go naively and 
> replace the 1.4.1 files with 2.0.3 and see what happens.
> The link:
> https://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/tiva_arm/f/908/p/587288/2157245 
> <https://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/tiva_arm/f/908/p/587288/2157245>
No, I had not seen that. Thanks!


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