Until now, I was using the embedded fs generated by the tool makefsdata. Unfortunately the filesystem I'd like to create is bigger than the internal Flash memory of the MCU.

I'm thinking to use an external SPI Flash memory to save the filesystem. So I need another tool that creates an ouput binary (or Intel Hex) image file to save directly in the SPI Flash memory. I know I can write this tool completely myself, but I'm sure there are some good examples to look at. Also I need some source code to access this filesystem over SPI (open file, read 100 bytes, and so on).

I think I can use the FAT filesystem, however I think it is over complicated respect what I need to do.

Actually httpd automatically search for files in fsdata data structure (that is a linked list). With an external file system, I think I have to consider every file as a custom file. I'm in doubt if it's better to read immediately the content from external Flash in fs_read_async_custom() (blocking until all data are ready), or start a background (non-blocking) process that reads from external SPI Flash and signals when it ends.

Any suggestions?

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