I apologize if this question has been asked before, however I have not been
able to find an answer.

I am using an STM32F407 processor, FreeRTOS and LWIP 2.0.0. I have
configured my software system with CubeMX and then made modifications along
the way to get things working.


My system has a very real time component, and interrupt that must be served
every 1msec. The interrupt processing is very fast but it must occur for the
system to work. This interrupt uses no RTOS functions and no LWIP functions.
I have set the Priority of the interrupt to 0 group 0. 


A background task will kick off a publication to a server periodically
(small MQTT publication to a broker). When this is occurring my interrupt
appears to be disabled for about 100msec and this coincides with the call to
lwip_send. I was under the impression LWIP just used a Mutex to lock the
core but somewhere along the way it appears to disable interrupts. 


I would think that if this is standard behavior there would be a lot of
discussion so I am think this is a peculiarity in my system but I have no
idea where to look to resolve it. 

Help would be appreciated.


Daniel Sexton





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