On 07.06.2018 13:38, Wolcendorf, Marcin wrote:
Did you consider making pbuf a separate library?

No, not yet. But it's an interesting idea...

I would like to use it in a project, that has 2 builds – one with LwIP, one without. ATM I would have to link LwIP in each case, which to me does not make much sense.

If I wanted to do it – how much work, do you think, would it be?

I don't think you need to link in lwIP fully just to use pbufs. You'll need to get rid of some things via lwipopts.h and you need a replacement for mem_malloc/memp_malloc, that should be all...

Providing this as a completely separate library does not make too much sense to me, though, as pbuf.c highly depends on cc.h and opt.h/lwipopts.h. Stripping of the part about "how is the memory allocated" would make sense. I don't really have time for this, but I wouldn't reject it if a decent patch would be provided :-)

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