Am 4. August 2018 04:52:36 MESZ schrieb Richard Man <>:
>Hello pardon me for asking newbie question.
>With the requisite call
>mqtt_client_info.tls_config = altcp_tls_create_config_client(cert,
>Let's say I am using an embedded system with no file system support. I
>communicating with a server only and will not be acting as a server for
>other clients. TLS is used for MQTT data encryption.
>Is it correct that in this scenario I can use a self-signing

This is more of an mbedtls related question. Honestly, without looking at the 
code, I can't even tell you whether this is really a client certificate or the 
certificate chain to trust for server certificates...

>I used Java Keytool to create a .cer file. Is it the case that I can
>the .cer file into a C array, and then use it in the call above?

This is also mbedtls related. Lwip just passed the certificate through to 
mbedtls code. I think I used openssl to create the certificates.


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