Am 8. Februar 2019 00:27:58 MEZ schrieb Stephen Cowell 
>I'm attempting to update the SAM4E example project 
>THIRDPARTY_LWIP_BASIC_HTTP_EXAMPLE1 from 1.4.1 to 2.1.2.  The dev
>is Atmel Studio 7 using ARM/GNU Common toolchain.  I have NO_SYS =
>this is the bare-metal implementation.
>I've partway through the directory problems... it seems that the 
>directory structure has changed, but the files I have have not been 
>updated.  Is this normal?  Does everyone have to go through and edit
>header file includes to reflect the new structure?  I can't see why
>is not fixed in the release.

That should not be required. Can you give an example?

>Now I'm getting #error "<dirent.h> not supported".  Does this mean that
>I'll have to go to a different toolchain?  Do I have to have tinydir

No. Just don't compile all the files. The one with dirent.h is probably 
'makefsdata', the host tool to create the embedded file system for httpd...

>the stack to work?  My eventual target (we've been selling our product 
>with lwip 1.4.1 for years) has FatFS already, I'd rather not do the 
>filesystem over as well.  Also getting "#error makefsdata not supported
>on this platform"... how do I carve up lwIP?  I've already deleted the 
>'api' folder, referring to this link:
>This link was a great help, but I'm not sure if these guys are running 
>bare-metal or not...
>Perhaps someone could throw me a bone?  Do I need an RTOS to move 
>forward?  Do I need a different toolchain?
>Stephen Cowell
>Project Manager/Engineer
>Plasmability LLC
>Office (512) 267-7087
>Cell  (512) 632-8593
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