Am 27.03.2019 um 20:05 schrieb Terence D:
Hi, I'm using lwIP 1.41 with a Texas Instruments Tiva Launchpad development
board (the TM4C1294).

Now that's a really old version of lwIP!

This code is run in the lwIPHostTimerHandler.  Which of course is called
from the Ethernet interrupt handler.

Wait a minute, "of course"? Have you read this (mostly valid for 1.4.x
as well):

Based on other examples, I see no problem with this.

Ehrm, based on which examples? When running code from ETH interrupt
handler, you have to *know* what you are doing! Basically this means:
*no* access into lwIP from any other interrupt priority or main loop
*unless* the ethernet interrupt is disabled.

However, intermittently, it appears to corrupt the
lwIP's tcp.c's tcp_active_pcbs linked list.

And I would have written that as an example if you hadn't watched out
for what I wrote in the lines above ;-)

Try to clean up your code (in terms of execution threads) and if you
can, think about upgrading to a more recent version.


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