Hi Mario,

We are using a single threaded web server. The wireshark capture is already
attached in the first mail. 

Please see the lwip configuration below -
lwip_opts.txt <http://lwip.100.n7.nabble.com/file/t2163/lwip_opts.txt>  

We assume that the request shall be received by the application mailbox once
the below statement is executed -

 /* Notify application that data has been received. */
*TCP_EVENT_RECV(pcb, recv_data, ERR_OK, err);*
We could see a *sys_mbox_trypost() * , but the mailbox handle is different
from the application mailbox handle.

However, when the issue occurs we find that the request is received
immediately after executing the below statement, but only after a delay of
10 seconds to 1 minute.

*TCP_EVENT_CLOSED(pcb, err);*

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