
On 2020-01-30 05:15, Andrew Pullin wrote:
On 1/29/20 5:42 AM, Sylvain Rochet wrote:
Hi Andrew,

On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 04:57:19PM -0800, Andrew Pullin wrote:
Hi folks,

I am stuck on an issue here where I am trying to use lwip's IP_FORWARDING
I am trying to forward packets between a PPP server netif and a WAN
interface. It is working on case, where the WAN-connected device is using
WiFi, but then it fails to work in another case where the WAN device is
configured to use an Ethernet interface.

This is to ultimately bring Ethernet connectivity to a device without
Ethernet, but which can act as a PPP client (via UART).
Lwip is running on a device with Ethernet and using the lwip PPP server

I have read the other threads involving PPP and forwarding, but I don't
believe I have seen quite this same problem arise.

Here is how the devices are arranged for each case:

Working: ------[UART]----------> ------------------> ----------> ---> WAN
(PPP client)                    (PPP server, ESP32, lwip) (WiFi STA netif)
              ( router )

In this case, the WiFi netif reports the gateway IP correctly ( and
the netmask as

Not working: ------[UART]----------> ------------------> ----------> ---> WAN
(PPP client)                   (PPP server, ESP32, lwip)
(Ethernet netif)               ( router )

In this case, the Ethernet netif reports the gateway IP correctly ( and the netmask as , which appears to be the same as for the
working WiFi netif case.

The addresses and on each side of the PPP are manually configured. They are hardcoded into the PPP server setup, and the client
appears to be able to take it's address via IPCP over PPP.

To test that the WAN connection "works" for the PPP client, I am issuing
pings from PPP client device.
In the "working" case, I can ping, (network gateway), and All work.
In the "not working" case on ethernet, I can ping (just over the
PPP link), but and appear unreachable.

Of course, I am building with IP_FORWARD defined to 1. Debug logs do reflect
that forwarding is happening.
There are several shims in the Espressif SDK over the actual lwip netif
As far as I can see, the same setup is done for the ethernet netif as is for
the wifi netif, but this is an obviously suspicious point.

In my case, I am using an ESP32 chip, and all of the lwip init and setup is
done for me in the SDK.
As far as I can see, the init for each adapter/netif type looks the same.

I have logs for each case, too:
Working (wifi netif) - https://pastebin.com/RgqHa5CR
Not working (ethernet netif) - https://pastebin.com/L80raiRF

One note here is: the PPP client is not running lwip. For hardware & legacy reasons, it is running another network stack with a totally different PPP
client implementation.
But, given that the working/not working is a function of the PPP server
netif's, I did not suspect a mis-configuration issue in the PPP client.

Any insight here would be greatly appreciated. I am not too familiar with
the deep under-the-hood details of network stacks.
I tried to understand but I failed. Before anything else, could you
share the real network configuration of all network interfaces, the
routing table on all hosts, and any speciafic features enabled on each
interface (NAT, ARP-Proxy, …), for all configurations you tried ?


[Host1]ppp0 --- ppp0[Host2]eth0 --- eth0[Host3]eth1 --- Internet

   running a PPP client, that's all we know
   default route: ppp0
   no other route

   running lwIP
   default route:
   no other route

   gateway ? to what ?
   eth1: public IPv4, facing Internet, set by DHCP, SNAT
   default route: set by DHCP, toward eth1
   no other route

Hint: the configuration above can't work, but I'm not sure this is what
you currently have...

Uh-oh, I think I did a poor job of explaining it. Although you seem to have surmised most of it.

The full rundown:

    - Micontroller device with no MAC or PHY
    - running NetX IP stack
    - Runs a PPP client, specifically PPPoS using TTL UART
    - default route: ppp0
    - ppp0 is the only network interface available
    - ARP is supported and enabled
    - IP is assigned during PPP negotiation

    - Micontroller device, ESP32
    - has both WiFi and Ethernet PHY hardware (IP101GRI Ethernet PHY), used mutually exclusively
    - Running lwIP
    - WiFi and Ethernet are independently verified to work to reach WAN from this host
    - PPPoS server
    - ppp0 :
        - IP for server and client are hard-coded in
        - I believe it is /32, as the netmask is reported as
    - When running w/ WiFi:
        - wlan0 : ip  (IP and /16 from DHCP server)
    - When running w/ Ethernet:
        - eth0 : ip  (IP and /16 from DHCP server)
    - Routing is unknown. lwIP built with IP_FORWARD enabled.
    - default route: wlan0 or eth0 (assumed)
    - ARP is enabled.

WiFi AP's:
    - AP only (no routing)
    - Connected to Host3 by Ethernet
    - MACs 0c:8d:db:6e:f0:03 or 0c:8d:db:6e:f0:88 (can't control association)

    - Router (pfSense)
    - DHCP server runs here
    - Routes to WAN, does NAT, eth0 <-> eth1
    - default route: set by DHCP, toward eth1
    - no other route (as far as I know)
    - Intranet WiFi AP's are connected via switch to eth0
    - Intranet Ethernet devices are connected via switch to eth0
    - eth0 : , facing intranet, MAC 00:e0:67:18:54:95
    - eth1 : IP from ISP, facing public IPv4 internet, MAC 00:e0:67:18:54:94


Host1 <-----------------> Host2 <-------------------------> Host3 <---------> public internet
                PPPoS                             Ethernet


Host1 <-----------------> Host2 <----------------> WiFi AP <------------------> Host3 <-------> public internet
                PPPoS WiFi                              Ethernet

For the case of using the WiFi connection, there are separate WiFi AP's in the way. Other than that, the two cases are host2 connecting to the local subnet via wlan0 or connecting via eth0.

I am not manually adding any static routes in either Host1 or Host2.
I was worried that Host2 would not be able to accomplish the "connection sharing" until I found the IP_FORWARDING option. That initially worked with Host2 using WiFi without any manually added static routes.

Unless I am missing something being changed in the config, that is the config both both the case of Host2 using wlan0 and for using eth0. The only change I can observe is that host2 IP is given a different IP by host3 DHCP.

Very interesting that you already see something wrong ... that means I am likely missing something obvious. I certainly hope it is something simple to tweak to make this work over host2's eth0!

Unfortunately, I have no ability to do debug on the ESP32, so I cannot check how the stack is really behaving when checking if anything needs to be forward.
Using the ETHARP_TRUST option does not appear to have an effect, either.
I did not enable Proxy ARP in either case, and it doesn't look like the drivers around netif enable it, either. As far as I know, NAT is only running in Host3, which is the router between the whole subnet and the public internet.

I regenerated the logs with ARP logging and with relative timestamps, in case that helps:

Host2 using wlan0, host1 is able to ping and : https://pastebin.com/GJkSsPbb Host2 using eth0, host1 is not able to ping and : https://pastebin.com/riE345HN

The help is really appreciated.

Andrew Pullin

lwip-users mailing list

Could you try changing the ip addresses of your ppp network so they're not on the subnet? Maybe use and

I don't know why it would work in one case and not the other but afaik overlapping subnets isn't supported

You say "default route: wlan0 or eth0 (assumed)" but are you also setting the corresponding netif as default? (netifapi_netif_set_default/netif_set_default)

Best regards

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