confirm 510917de6b2772da55f5f72e5353185919cedca0

STM32 lwip stack issue - frames/not received/processed - FBE error
FBE bit 12 -Fatal bus error.
STM board used : STMh743
is there any timing problem or a configuration problem with the clock, bus
speed or DMA?
Environment : 100Mbit/s full duplex ethernet used. 

below are the additional information based on the new tests.
from the ethernet analyzer , its been found the error occurs at the below
    1. time interval <40us ,dataframes sent out and received by STM32h7
        DMACSR FBE error is set.same issue is reported by switch also as
error frames.
        note: the same issue is observed with evaluation board also.
    2. if time interval >40us to miliseconds ,dataframes sent out and
received by STM32h7 board
       is received and sent correctly without any errors.

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