here is some more logs:
dhcp.c  518: dhcp_fine_tmr(): request timeout
dhcp.c  539: dhcp_timeout()
dhcp.c  542: dhcp_timeout(): restarting discovery
dhcp.c  978: dhcp_discover()
dhcp.c 1899: transaction id xid(abcd0001)
dhcp.c  992: dhcp_discover: making request
dhcp.c 1004: dhcp_discover: sendto(DISCOVER, IP_ADDR_BROADCAST,
dhcp.c 1006: dhcp_discover: deleting()
dhcp.c 1008: dhcp_discover: SELECTING
dhcp.c 1018: dhcp_discover(): set request timeout 4000 msecs
task_sd_card.cpp  250: SD Card mounted
dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541417776.192.168.168 port
dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 268
dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 268
dhcp.c 1789: searching DHCP_OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE
dhcp.c 1835: DHCP_OFFER received in DHCP_STATE_SELECTING state
dhcp.c  373: dhcp_handle_offer(netif=) e110
dhcp.c  380: dhcp_handle_offer(): server 0xa8a8a8c0
dhcp.c  384: dhcp_handle_offer(): offer for 0x9ca8a8c0
dhcp.c  415: dhcp_select(netif=) e110
dhcp.c 1899: transaction id xid(abcd0001)
dhcp.c  447: dhcp_select: REQUESTING
dhcp.c  457: dhcp_select(): set request timeout 2000 msecs
dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541413120.192.168.168 port
dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 268
dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 268
dhcp.c 1789: searching DHCP_OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE
dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541417776.192.168.168 port
dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 268
dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 268
dhcp.c 1789: searching DHCP_OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE
dhcp.c 1801: DHCP_ACK received
dhcp.c  354: dhcp_check(netif=) e
dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541417776.192.168.168 port
dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272
dhcp.c 1772: netif->hwaddr[1]==04 != reply_msg->chaddr[1]==22
dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541413120.192.168.168 port
dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272

On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 1:03 PM Trampas Stern <> wrote:

> I am trying to get DCHP work and have yet to do so I have the following
> and was wondering if it was enough to help debug the problem?
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541413120.192.168.168
> port 168
> dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
> dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272
> dhcp.c 1772: netif->hwaddr[1]==04 != reply_msg->chaddr[1]==22
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541416224.192.168.168
> port 168
> dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
> dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272
> dhcp.c 1772: netif->hwaddr[1]==04 != reply_msg->chaddr[1]==22
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541414672.192.168.168
> port 168
> dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
> dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272
> dhcp.c 1772: netif->hwaddr[1]==04 != reply_msg->chaddr[1]==22
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541413120.192.168.168
> port 168
> dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
> dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272
> dhcp.c 1772: netif->hwaddr[1]==04 != reply_msg->chaddr[1]==22
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541417776.192.168.168
> port 168
> dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
> dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272
> dhcp.c 1772: netif->hwaddr[1]==04 != reply_msg->chaddr[1]==22
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541416224.192.168.168
> port 168
> dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
> dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272
> dhcp.c 1772: netif->hwaddr[1]==04 != reply_msg->chaddr[1]==22
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541417776.192.168.168
> port 168
> dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
> dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272
> dhcp.c 1772: netif->hwaddr[1]==04 != reply_msg->chaddr[1]==22
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541413120.192.168.168
> port 168
> dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
> dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272
> dhcp.c 1772: netif->hwaddr[1]==04 != reply_msg->chaddr[1]==22
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c 1750: dhcp_recv(pbuf = ) from DHCP server 541416224.192.168.168
> port 168
> dhcp.c 1751: pbuf->len = 272
> dhcp.c 1752: pbuf->tot_len = 272
> dhcp.c 1772: netif->hwaddr[1]==04 != reply_msg->chaddr[1]==22
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
> dhcp.c  469: dhcp_coarse_tmr()
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