
Im running LwIP in NOSYS mode on a microcontroller.
Currently I have trouble implementing a RAW TCP Client.
I was able to run the HTTP Server including CGI/SSI and IPerf both as client
and server.
My Client gets a connection to a server(simple pyhton example server) and I
am able to send a few bytes(Hello World messages).
The problem is that after a few minutes the client stop working and even the
poll_cb stop getting called from LwIP.
It also doesn't matter if I send data while connected or do nothing after a
few minutes its just stop working.
I watched the connection via wireshark and there is nothing that would
indicate any kind of connection close or timeout.
The thing is that the HTTP Server still functions as usual so
sys_check_timeouts still gets called.
Also all callbacks where registered( arg, recv, sent, poll, err ) so LwIP
doesn't report anything back its just stop working.
I tried to look at the PCB but found nothing useful same with various debug

I put some data and source code below maybe someone can have a look or give
me a direction where to look.
Thanks for your help.


The PCB data is a csv with tab as seperator didn't know a better way to copy
the data.
Wireshark data sending
Serial log data sending
PCB data sending working.csv
PCB data sending no longer working.csv
Wireshark no data sending
Serial log no data sending
PCB no data working.csv
PCB no data no longer working.csv

Source code.c <http://lwip.100.n7.nabble.com/file/t2366/tcp_client.c>  

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