Just following up on this, as I haven't had time to continue working on it
until today. To provide more context, I'll provide some code snippets and
commentary around the code. I don't imagine I'm too far off getting it
working, as I've not changed too much of the echo example source.

*My init function:*
init_PCB = tcp_new();

if (init_PCB != NULL) {

    err_t err;

    err = tcp_bind(init_PCB, IP_ADDR_ANY, 9999);

    if (err == ERR_OK) {
        init_PCB = tcp_listen(init_PCB);

        tcp_accept(init_PCB, tcp_accept_callback);

    } else {

        memp_free(MEMP_TCP_PCB, init_PCB);



My accept callback: (void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tempPCB, err_t err)
err_t ret_err;

struct tcp_package *tcpPackage;

global_PCB = tempPCB;



tcp_setprio(global_PCB, TCP_PRIO_MIN);

tcpPackage = (struct tcp_package *)mem_malloc(sizeof(struct tcp_package));

if (tcpPackage != NULL) {

    tcpPackage->state = TCP_STATE_ACCEPTED;
    tcpPackage->pcb = global_PCB;
    tcpPackage->retries = 0;
    tcpPackage->p = NULL;

    tcp_arg(global_PCB, tcpPackage);
    tcp_recv(global_PCB, tcp_recv_callback);
    tcp_err(global_PCB, tcp_err_callback);

    ret_err = ERR_OK;

} else {

    ret_err = ERR_MEM;


I'll leave the tcp_recv_callback function for the time being, as I'm
focusing on TX at the moment, and the RX side seems to work without issue.

In terms of sending data, I have an interrupt callback function, where some
data is processed (not shown below for simplicity). I package an unsigned
char buffer with data from two other buffers, separated by a ';' character.
Code shown below:

unsigned char bufferMain[32];
char buffer1[10];
char buffer2[10];

//Some processing of data; buffer1 and buffer2 are populated

snprintf(bufferMain, sizeof(bufferMain), "%s%s%s", buffer1, ";", buffer2);

//Register the sent callback
tcp_sent(global_PCB, tcp_sent_callback);

err_t err;
err = tcp_write(global_PCB, bufferMain, sizeof(bufferMain), 1);
err = tcp_output(global_PCB);

As mentioned in my original post, I have trace points throughout the code,
including the 'err' return values for tcp_write() and tcp_output() above.
When I run the code, I get 2-3 ERR_OK values from tcp_write, and data is
received by the remote CPU, but err then becomes -1, and (through another
trace point) I determine the error to be:

"tcp_write : could not allocate memory for pbuf copy size 32"

Here is my tcp_sent_callback: (void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, u16_t len)
struct tcp_package *tcpPackage;

struct pbuf *ptr;


tcpPackage = (struct tcp_package *)arg;

ptr = tcpPackage->p;

tcpPackage->retries = 0;

if (tcpPackage->p != NULL) {

    tcp_sent(tpcb, tcp_sent_callback);

    //I don't use the tcp_send function, so don't currently use this
    //In theory I shouldn't need this functionality, as each tcp_write() is
for a single pbuf
    //tcp_send)tpcb, tcpPackage);

} else {

    if (tcpPackage->state == TCP_STATE_CLOSING) {
        tcpClose(tpcb, tcpPackage);


    uint8_t freePBUF;

    do {

        freePBUF = pbuf_free(ptr);

    } while (freePBUF == 0);


return ERR_OK;

Is there anything obvious that I'm missing or have done incorrectly in the
above? In my mind, I've registered the sent callback, so after tcp_write()
and tcp_output(), the do-while pbuf_free() should deallocate memory, but it
looks like that may not be the case, given the "could not allocate memory
for pbuf copy size" error.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

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