Am 01.10.2021 um 13:40 schrieb Duygu D.:
> [..]
> When I checked the low_level_output functions I get sending data bytes
> 150 byte but Ipv4 length shows us 576 byte, opt.h file set as default
> but if I changed TCP_MSS as a 250 byte so I can send 136 byte and Ipv4
> packet lenght shows me 136. But does not make sense.  I couldnt do
> successful handshaking. Lwip takes care of the IP part if I send the
> another IP based packet (like icmp) packet with different sizes. I didnt
> get IPv4 packet length error.
> I only have this error when I used mbedtls. How can I find the problem?

One error I can think of here is that your driver might send packets
using 'p->len' instead of iterating over all pbufs ('p->tot_len',
iterate over all 'p->next').

Or your driver might be sending zero-copy but the packets get changed
between being enqueued and actually sending them?


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