
lxc1 did a modification in the lxc.console behaviour (compared to the
previous version)
Indeed, in the config file lxc.console now accept a tty and not a file.
I now need to use -L with lxc-start to get logs in a file.

The problem raised is now I don't have a -L equivalent in config like
before. Correct me if I'm wrong.

lxc.console in config file:
% git grep -F console.path
lxc/conf.c:     new->console.path = NULL;
lxc/conf.c:     if (conf->console.path)
lxc/conf.c:             free(conf->console.path);
lxc/confile.c:  return config_path_item(&lxc_conf->console.path, value);
lxc/confile.c:          v = c->console.path;
lxc/confile.c:  if (c->console.path)
lxc/confile.c:          fprintf(fout, "lxc.console = %s\n", c->console.path);
lxc/lxc_start.c:        if (ensure_path(&conf->console.path,
my_args.console) < 0) {
lxc/start.c:    if (conf->console.path && setenv("LXC_CONSOLE",
conf->console.path, 1)) {

-L with lxc-start, no equivalent in config file:
% git grep -F console.log_path
lxc/conf.c:     new->console.log_path = NULL;
lxc/lxc_start.c:        if (ensure_path(&conf->console.log_path,
my_args.console_log) < 0) {
lxc/start.c:    if (conf->console.log_path &&
setenv("LXC_CONSOLE_LOGPATH", conf->console.log_path, 1)) {

Best regards,
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