On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 09:04:48PM +0000, Matthew Williams wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I thought i'd write an email as I'm not sure exactly where the bug should
> be addressed - documentation or some install step...
> I was installing lxd on snappy (very exciting in itself)
> Following the instructions here:
> https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/getting-started-cli/#
> It seems like there's a missing step about needing to get a client cert
> created?
> After following the instructions on the website I got:
> $ lxd-images import ubuntu --alias ubuntu
> LXD isn't running.
> Then I tried
> $ lxc list
> Generating a client certificate. This may take a minute...
> After this I restarted and it all seemed fine
> Matty

Nope, no client certificate is needed by lxd-images.

I don't know what device you're running it on, but for ARM devices it
can take minutes (up to 10 or so) for it to generate the LXD server
certificate, until that's done, any attempt to communicate with it will
result in "LXD isn't running".

On x86, things tend to be much quicker (just a few seconds).

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer

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