On 06/12/2014 03:54 PM, Dwight Engen wrote:
On Thu, 12 Jun 2014 10:14:38 +0200
Tamas Papp <tom...@martos.bme.hu> wrote:


How is the red hat guest support?
For example is it easily possible to tell to the centos template
script to use a repository on a cdrom or in an iso file? Or something
like that.

Also regarding the upgrade/update path.
Is there a safe way to update a centos container? I remember, in the
past there were local changes in the template, that had to be redone
every time after 'yum update', like commenting out '/sbin/start_udev'
from /etc/rc.sysinit.
Are there such a necessary step? Can I ruin my container with regular
Hi Tamas,

The Oracle template does both of these for OracleLinux so it should be
possible to do for RedHat/CentOS since they are all very similar,
though I don't think they currently support it. Installing from a
dvd/.iso can be done via --baseurl=file:///mnt. Handling a yum update
inside the container is done by calling the template from a yum plugin
to re-patch the rootfs.

Thanks, I'll check it!

Meanwhile I was wondering, why templates are different. They should use a template(:O) at least for the configuration files (config, fstab) format....etc, shouldn't they? Also oracle, redhat, sl and centos templates should be very-very similar to each other.

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