
I am trying to define a container using libvirt, and I need to allow access of 
the device /dev/uio0 on the host on the container as well. That is, I have the 
following line in the container config file:

lxc.mount.entry = /dev/uio0 dev/uio0 none bind,create=file
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 249:1 rwm

And I want to add the above via the libvirt XML file for the container.

I tried something like:

    <filesystem accessmode="passthrough" type="mount">
      <source file="/dev/uio0" />
      <target dir="/dev/uio0" />

But it gave me error:

root# virsh -c lxc:/// define lxc_v.xml
error: Failed to define domain from lxc_v.xml
error: missing source information for device /dev/uio0

Can someone pls help, how I can add the /dev/uio0 to the xml file?

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