On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 06:37:59PM -0700, Kevin LaTona wrote:
> On May 26, 2015, at 4:37 PM, Tycho Andersen <tycho.ander...@canonical.com> 
> wrote:
> > Hi Kevin,
> > 
> > On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 07:38:12PM -0700, Kevin LaTona wrote:
> >> 
> >> On May 25, 2015, at 12:16 PM, Kevin LaTona <li...@studiosola.com> wrote:
> >> 
> >>> The simplest way I found so far to connect from a Mac running 10.8.5 to 
> >>> the LDX 0.9 rest server is using a Python Subprocess call via SSH into 
> >>> the host machine which runs a Curl call to the LXD server which then 
> >>> returns the JSON/Dict object.
> >>> 
> >>> While it sounds like a round about way to get there, it's the only way I 
> >>> have found so far to bypass the surrounding issue of getting TLS1_2 to 
> >>> run on OS X  10.8.5 and or Python 2.7.9.
> >>> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Well that was one really short lived idea. 
> >> 
> >> Making those ssh based subprocess calls to the host is just not cutting it 
> >> from me after all, even if it does work the overhead cost to do them kind 
> >> of kills the idea for all but simple use.
> >> 
> >> I was really wanting to stick by and use the LXD Rest server and not have 
> >> to re-invent the wheel here.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Guess it's not going to happen, so instead I've decided to create a Python 
> >> based Tornado Rest server running on the host and calling the LXD Cli 
> >> calls.
> >> 
> >> This way I can back the SSL library down from the TLS1_2 idea. I guess 
> >> some need that level of security, for now I can live without it.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Plus Tornado opens up some other areas to look at doing some container 
> >> management like ideas.
> >> 
> >> So this may turn out better over the long haul until LXD matures and 
> >> becomes a bit more solid.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> 
> >>> If there is any Python users on this list using the Requests module and 
> >>> has it working with both TLS1_2 and the LXD rest server, please share 
> >>> your process.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Again if there is any Pythonista on this LXC mailing list who has been 
> >> able to get TLS1_2 wrapped and working with Requests.
> > 
> > I just wrote http://tycho.ws/blog/2015/05/lxd-python.html which works
> > fine for me on Ubuntu.
> Looks good should help folks with correct machine setups to see how easy it 
> can be.
> > 
> > I do have an old OSX system laying around so I tried it there and got
> > an SSL error. It looks like the version of SSL it has only has TLS 1.0
> > built in. I don't really know anything about OSX, but the obvious
> > solution seems to be to use the above program and a version of openssl
> > that has TLS 1.2 compiled in. Perhaps upgrading OSX or using some
> > package manager to give you an new libssl would work.
> It appears the big road block here right now is Apple's use of an outdated 
> OpenSSL library that makes using TSL1_2 impossible with out access to a newer 
> version of OpenSSL.
> Maybe that is possible with 10.10 or even 10.9, but right now I need to keep 
> this machine frozen at 10.8.5.
> The pylxd app mentioned in your blog looks interesting since it's using unix 
> domain sockets.
> If that ends up getting access to lxc calls without having to make ny kind of 
> a subprocess call to command line, it may turn out to be a tad bit faster 
> when interfacing with this Tornado rest server I am working on.
> It's pretty clear to me now that if anyone has any client that can not use 
> TSL1_2 that the only way to efficient access a LXD server will be by running 
> their own server on the host as well.
> Or totally bypassing LXD and go back to using legacy LXC calls.
> If there is any Mac users on the list that know of a way that allows OS X 
> 10.8.5 and Python 2.7.10 to use newer versions of OpenSSL,  let me now how 
> you did it, if you care to share.
> Tycho ….thanks for looking into this and sharing what you found out.

Another option would be to use socat:

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