Dear Robert,

now it become a meta discussion at all. But in fact it was such one since you 
start. Because, in core you don’t ask help or a solution, you just want to 
complain about the level of knowledge to use LXC in comparison to similar tools.

Break here, if you can't agree to this!

But accepting this, you have to accommodate that this is a LXC mailing list, 
not a Ubuntu mailing list. Furthermore, LXC is not a part of Ubuntu but it is a 
Linux open source project. Of course, it's widely sponsored by the Ubuntu 
company (MANY THANKS!). And in my eyes it's absolute justifiable to earn from 
it. But's a pure Ubuntu decision to include (or even pre-install?) it in their 
common distro and/or to advertise it. And Ubuntu is responsible for the 
delivered pre-configuration, LXC itself is delivered in an absolutely 
unconfigured state as almost any other open source package. And hey, it's their 
first try to make it tasty for their broad community. May you take this into 
account and be a little bit more patient?

Getting some "geek stuff" into common use is in largely parts not a technical 
thing. And I see people like you coming at horizon right after I read about the 
announcement to official include LXC into Ubuntu. The word "Ubuntu" is strongly 
connected to some claims, maybe "easier to use than others"  - that's probably 
why you  choose it. And you transfer this to LXC, because you think it's a part 
of Ubuntu. That's comprehensible, but unfortunately for you: It's wrong. I 
clearly understand your demands and problems. I simply would recommend *you* to 
use the product you feel comfortable with. Full stop.

To get an idea for what the "tone" on this list, you may study it for a few 
moments. You'll see, in spite of it is named a "user list", it's have a very 
technical background. I would say, it's one level above the "devel list" and in 
kidding terms the difference between the people is, that the "users" will not 
write code but are familiar to use gdb or strace. Yes, the user list was maybe 
thought as some kind of newbie list.; as a vehicle not to flood the devel list 
with no-core stuff. This still holds, but the definition of a newbie has 

Did we need another "lxc newbie" list to serve this new leveling? The "Ubuntu" 
level might be served by the Ubuntu support channels. And people that choose 
another distribution than Ubuntu typically will have another level of 
knowledge. And that level is very well served here by a special couple of very 
active members but also by a lot of others, I think.

Greetings from a non-Ubuntu user


>-----Original Message-----
>From: lxc-users [] On Behalf 
>Of Robert Koretsky
>Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 12:53 AM
>To: LXC users mailing-list
>Subject: Re: [lxc-users] Ubuntu container IP address
>And BTW, exactly why would that be so? Because I'm saying VirtualBox, Jails, 
>and Zones are somehow better than LXC? That's
>not what I'm saying, just that those three alternatives have another easier 
>mechanism to accomplish the bridge. And what
>generally is the tone of communication on this user mailing list? Helpful and 
>friendly, or contentious and unfriendly?
lxc-users mailing list

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