On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 01:33:18PM +0100, david.an...@bli.uzh.ch wrote:
> Has the certificate of images.linuxcontainers.org changed?
> Or was I attacked?
> I can access again after removing .config/lxc/servercerts/images.crt
> But how do I now add the correct certificate again?
> Thanks!


The certificate was renewed in early January, yes.

LXD was a bit buggy in the past, storing certificates for servers that
passed validation through the system CA, recent LXD no longer does that
(doesn't store certificates for public servers).

So what you did is actually perfectly correct, removing the images.crt
file causes lxd on your machine to validate the remote using your system
CA and as you report that things are working again, it means the
validation is succesful.

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer

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