On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 6:52 PM, Thomas Belián
<thomas.bel...@fh-erfurt.de> wrote:
>> > I think next time it should be enough to install bridge-utils und
> to
>> > create the bridge you need (virbr, you can create it via
>> > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-virbr0).
>> With THAT alone, you'd get something similar to vmware/virtualbox's
>> "host only network". If you want the container to access outside
> host,
>> you also need to setup iptables and dnsmasq.
> Really? I use it that way with KVM. Add a bridge device br0 with
> bridge-utils and add to this bridge my "real" ethernet device. All my

Ah, that would be bridging your real network device. Indeed, that would work.

I thought you're trying to replicate virbr0 functionality (the one
created by libvirt, which is similar to "NAT network" in virtualbox)
by hand.

> But anyway, using libvirt with the virbr0 which libvirt provides is
> maybe the easier solution

For c6, it probably is.

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