
Ok, this is ridiculous and I apologize for asking help for such a simple task, but I fail to find the answers by myself. I fail to find proper documentation to setup bridge networking and static IP. Newbie here btw and setup details at the end of this email.

I got the container running and with DHCP configured, it has its own IP which the host can address with.

Obviously, I attempted to setup the static IP many times following instructions found on many web pages, to no vail. For example, I followed instructions from But turns out that I am probably running a different version of LXC and that this page is now obsolete.

I went so far to run 'strace lxc restart server2' to realize that
/var/lib/lxc/server2/config is not read (server2 is the container). This seams to be confirmed by the post at

I found 'man lxc.container.conf'. Seams promising. However, I fail to find within the manual the path where this file should be saved! If you write documentation, please always provide the path where configuration files are supposed to be stored.

I created a profile named 'bridged' using commands, but I have not found any option/instruction on how to apply that profile on my existing image. 'lxc start server2' does not provide any option to start the container with a particular profile. BTW, where are profile configuration files stored?

I need clear step by step instructions, with full paths on how to set things up and I fail to find any on the web. Anybody has a useful link to suggest?

I have a KVM image running (server1) and it works flawlessly with a static IP on my bridge. And it wasn't hard to find instructions on how to set it up. But LXD/LXc is another story.

The setup:

Host:       Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Container:  Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
LXD:        2.0.0~rc3-0ubuntu4~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1
LXC:        2.0.0~rc10-0ubuntu2~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1

Best regards and thanks in advance,
Hans Deragon
lxc-users mailing list

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