On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 6:05 PM, Albert Shih <albert.s...@obspm.fr> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to know what is the status about lxc supporting inside the
> guest systemd.

It works if you have the prequisite. And since ubuntu is shipping
lxc/lxd with ubuntu 16.04 (which uses systemd), they should support it
as well.

Not sure what the OFFICIAL status of other distros as containers though.

> Last time I try (some mounth ago, with LXC 1.0.X) I was able to start many
> guest with classic start script (Debian & Ubuntu) but with systemd (CentOS
> 7) I got many trouble.

The prequisite includes lxc >= 1.1.x and lxcfs

> As I understand systemd going to be the standard, what would be the status
> of LXC ?

I assume you use debian jessie host, which is why you're stuck at
1.0.x? try backporting lxc from testing. Or use my unofficial
packages: http://debian-lxc.github.io/

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