For what's worth, I use BTRFS, and it works great.  Container copies are almost 
instant.  I can use compression with minimal overhead, use quotas to limit 
container disk space, and can schedule a deduplication task via cron to save 
even more space.

Might be something for you to check out.



On May 16, 2016, at 6:34 AM, Brian Candler <> wrote:

> On 16/05/2016 10:55, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
>> Are you using the published images on the same lxd instance?
> Yes.
>> If so, you can use "lxc copy" on a powered-off container. It should 
>> correctly use zfs clone. You can also copy-a-copy.
> That was the clue I was looking for. Thank you!
> Regards,
> Brian.
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