Hey guys, I have a crucial decision I have to make about a platform I’m 
building, and I really need your help to make this decision in regards to 
security. Here’s what I’m trying to accomplish:

Platform: Highly Available Wordpress hosting using Galera, GlusterFS & LXD 
(don’t worry about the SQL part)
- One container per customer on a VM (or ded server)
- (preferably) One 3 node GlusterFS Cluster for the Wordpress files of all 
customers’ containers
- GlusterFS volume divided into subdirectories (one per customer), with ACLs to 
control permissions (see *)
- Gluster Volume subdirectories Bind Mounted into their respective containers 
(i.e. /data/gluster/user1 -> container:/data/gluster)
- LXC User/Group mappings to make the ACLs work

My concerns:
- (*) Although the containers are isolated (all but the shared kernel), and 
that in itself is probably secure enough to feel ok about it, introducing a 
shared Gluster volume into the mix and depending on ACLs makes me a bit 
nervous. I’d like your opinions on what the norm is in the world (the PaaSs, 
etc) and if you guys think this is a terrible idea. If you think this is not a 
good way of handling my needs, PLEASE help me find a better solution.

My hangups:
- I know PaaSs have found incredibly efficient ways to provide containerized 
apps with high availability, and I tend to highly doubt they’re throwing up 3+ 
GlusterFS VMs for every single app they deploy. This to me seems like an 
impossibly cost-ineffective approach. Correct me if I’m wrong. That being said, 
I’m not 100% sure how they’re doing it.

Odd thoughts & alternative solutions that have crossed my mind:
- To avoid using a shared single Gluster Volume and ACLs altogether, while also 
avoiding too much infrastructure cost, I’ve thought of possible putting up a 3 
VM Gluster cluster, each with matching LXD Containers on them with Gluster 
server daemons running in those containers. I could use those containers & 
networking to simulate having multiple 3 node Gluster Clusters, each being 
dedicated to a respective containerized app on the App Server. This to me seems 
like it would be an unnecessarily complex and annoying to maintain solution, so 
please help me here.

I hugely appreciate anyones help and this is a huge passion project of mine and 
I’ve dedicated an absurd number of hours reading to try and figure this out.

Best Regards,

Zach Lanich
Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Creative
weCreate LLC

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