Thanks Robert Johnson,  great guitarist ;) but i dont want to read log

Now y try to read the websocket but the return is, "error": "missing
secret". I read the doc but i dont understand what is this secret ???

t=$(/usr/bin/curl  -s -k --cert .config/lxc/client.crt --key
https://localhost:8443/1.0/containers/wondrous-mackerel/exec -X POST -d
'{"command": ["/bin/df"], "wait-for-websocket": true, "interactive": false
}'|jq .|grep operation |awk -F " " '{print $NF}'| tr -d '"');/usr/bin/curl
 -s -k --cert .config/lxc/client.crt --key .config/lxc/client.key
https://localhost:8443$t/websocket|jq .

  "error": "missing secret",
  "error_code": 500,
  "type": "error"

2016-12-23 18:47 GMT+01:00 Robert Johnson <>:

> I've been working on obtaining two way communications with the /exec URI,
> but your needs may more simple then mine.
> When you POST to /exec, you probably want to include the 'record-output'
> key with a (boolean) value of true. ie
> '{"command": ["df -f /"], "record-output": true}'
> The doc's state that stdout and stderr will be redirected to a log file.
> It doesn't state where the log file is; but I'm willing to bet that the
> reply will include a path that you can subsequently GET.
> If this works for you, let me know, I'm interested in at least obtaining
> the output from some commands.
> On 12/23/2016 05:02 AM, laurent ducos wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Is there a solution to get the return of a command launch by lxd exec API
>> ?
>> curl -s --unix-socket /var/lib/lxd/unix.socket
>> a/1.0/containers/$CONTAINER/exec -X POST -d '{"command": ["df -f /"]}' |
>> jq .
>> I would like to see something like this in return of the command.
>> output: /dev/sda5           15G    4,6G  9,8G  32% /
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