I am experimenting with sendmail in a unpriviledged lxc container.
It works nicely using a private IP address and NAT. However
I am afraid, that spam filters receiving emails from it
will rate emails down, because of the NAT and the private IP.

Is there any way to access the IP address of the host from the container ?
I tried  lxc.network.type=none  but then the unpriviledged container
does not start any more (lxc-start: utils.c: safe_mount: 1746
Operation not permitted - Failed to mount sysfs onto
using  debian jessie backports lxc 1:2.0.6-1~bpo8+1). Is lxc.network.type=none
generally not supported for unpriviledged containers, does it need
additional configuration,  or is this a problem of the distribution/version.

Is there any other possibly to give the software in the
container access to the ip address of the host ?

Helmut Emmelmann

   H.E.I. Informationssysteme GmbH | Wimpfenerstraße 23 | 68259 Mannheim
        Tel: 0621-795141 | Fax: 0621-795161 | mailto:i...@h-e-i.de
Geschäftsführer: Dr.Helmut Emmelmann, StNr.37001/32880,UstId DE185233091
              Handelsregister: HRB 7273 | Amtsgericht Mannheim
     http://www.h-e-i.de | http://www.hei.biz | http://www.radpage.com

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