On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 11:28 PM, Benoit GEORGELIN - Association
Web4all <benoit.george...@web4all.fr> wrote:
> Hi lxc-users ,
> I would like to know if you have any experience with a large number of
> LXC/LXD containers ?
> In term of performance, stability and limitation .
> I'm wondering for exemple, if having 100 containers behave the same of
> having 1.000 or 10.000  with the same configuration to avoid to talk about
> container usage.
> I have been looking around for a couple of days to found any user/admin
> feedback experience but i'm not able to find large deployments
> Is there any ressources limits or any maximum number that can be deployed on
> the same node ?
> Beside physical performance of the node, is there any specific behavior that
> a large number of LXC/LXD containers can experience ? I'm not aware of any
> test or limits that can occurs beside number of process. But I'm sure from
> LXC/LXD side it might have some technical contraints ?
> Maybe on namespace availability , or any other technical layer used by
> I will be interested to here from your experience or if you have any
> links/books/story about this large deployments

This would be interesting to hear if someone can talk publicly about
their large deployment.

In any case, it should be possible to create, for example, 1000 web servers
and then try to access each one and check any issues regarding the
response time.
Another test would be to install 1000 Wordpress installations and
check again for the response time
and resource usage.
Such scripts to create this massive number of containers would also be
helpful to replicate
any issues in order to solve them.

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