On 2017-03-29 22:47, Marat Khalili wrote:
Just don't use NFS clients using NFS server on the same machine (same kernel), as this will break (hangs).
Huh? Works for me between LXC containers. Only had to tune
startup/shutdown sequence in systemd. In what exactly situation does
it hang? /worried/

Kernel deadlocks.

Note that you can have NFS client on machineA and NFS server on machineB - this is fine, it's two different kernels.

NFS client on machineA, and KVM guest with NFS server also on machineA is fine, too - two different kernels.

NFS client on machineA and NFS server on machineA, same kernel (as is the case with LXD) - will eventually deadlock.

The whole machine will not freeze out of the sudden, but you will notice you have more and more processes in D state, which you're not able to kill.

See for example:


It could be something improved in newer kernels, but I'm not aware of that.

If you need to export NFS-like mounts on the same server, you can use gluster mount, which is userspace - and which has poor performance, not really suitable for containers, but should be OK for i.e. large files accessed directly (no recursive find etc.).

Tomasz Chmielewski
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