Take a snapshot... and after use the copy with last snapshot.

Em 13-09-2017 14:09, Ingo Baab escreveu:

Hello Sjoerd,

thank you for the answer, but I get (lxc --version says "2.0.10"):

    Usage: lxc copy [<remote>:]<source>[/<snapshot>]
    [[<remote>:]<destination>] [--ephemeral|e]
    Copy containers within or in between LXD instances.

        --debug  (= false)
            Enable debug mode
        -e, --ephemeral  (= false)
            Ephemeral container
        --force-local  (= false)
            Force using the local unix socket
        --no-alias  (= false)
            Ignore aliases when determining what command to run
        --verbose  (= false)
            Enable verbose mode

I am on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS, with LXD 2.0.10
Any Ideas?

Am 13.09.2017 um 18:43 schrieb Sjoerd:

On 13-09-17 16:07, Ingo Baab wrote:
Hi All,

how can I copy a container between LXD instances without all its snapshots? I read at https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/03/22/lxd-2-0-your-first-lxd-container/

"The destination container will be identical in every way to the source one, except it won’t have any snapshot and volatile keys (MAC address) will be reset."

But my invoked command "lxc copy remotebox:ubuntu16 ubuntu16" did copy all snapshots, which took a long time.. - both of my LXD servers are using ZFS.

Have you tried with --container-only as well?

If you would just give lxc copy <enter> you'll see the options you can pass and for --container-only it describes:
--container-only  (= false)
        Copy the container without its snapshots


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