I've setup my own PKI infrastructure for my LXD hosts and I'm trying to add a 
remote, but I'm getting an error about no certificate being provided:

    lxc remote add blllxd03 https://blllxd03.appendata.net:8443
    Admin password for blllxd03:
    error: No client certificate provided

If I run it with debug I see this after entering the trust password:

    Admin password for blllxd03:
    INFO[10-01|11:50:41] Sending request to LXD                   etag= 
method=POST url=https://blllxd03.appendata.net:8443/1.0/certificates
            "name": "",
            "type": "client",
            "certificate": "",
            "password": "XXXXXXX"
    DBUG[10-01|11:50:41] Trying to remove 
    error: No client certificate provided

Why would the remote not send its certificate? I have the files: server.ca, 
server.crt, and server.key in /var/lib/lxd/ for both the server and the remote. 
I replaced the the default files with my own. I can verify with OpenSSL that 
all the certs are valid and signed by the CA.

Joshua Schaeffer
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