On 19/11/17 22:45, Ron Kelley wrote:
In all seriousness, I just ran some tests on my servers to see if SSH is still 
the bottleneck on rsync.  These servers have dual 10G NICs (linux bond), 3.6GHz 
CPU, and 32G RAM.  I found some interesting data points:

* Running the command "pv /dev/zero | ssh $REMOTE_SERVER 'cat > /dev/null’” I 
was able to get about 235MB/sec between two servers with ssh pegged at 100% CPU usage. 
In the end, rsync over NFS (using 10G networking) is much faster than rsync 
using SSH keys in my environment.  Maybe your environment is different or you 
use different ciphers?

Very good data points. I agree that you can saturate ssh if you have 10G network connection and either SSDs or some expensive HDD arrays on both sides and some sequential data to transfer. If you don't have any of listed items, ssh does not slow down things.

As for not trusting the LAN with unencrypted traffic, I would argue either the 
security policies are not well enforced or the server uses insecure NFS mount 
options.  I have no reason not to trust my LAN.
I was just afraid that someone reading your post would copy-paste your configuration to use over less secure LAN or even WAN. (I admit this is not a big problem for original poster since FTP is not much better in this regard.)


With Best Regards,
Marat Khalili

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