On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 05:08:59PM -0700, Martín Fernández wrote:
> Hello,
> We are using LXC to virtualize containers in multiple of our hosts. We have 
> been running with LXC for a while now. 
> We started adding monitoring tools to our systems and found the known issue 
> that LXC containers show the host information on /proc/meminfo and 
> /proc/cpuinfo.  
> I found that LXCFS solves the problems mentioned above. What would be 
> required to setup LXCFS in my hosts ? Would I need to reboot all the 
> containers ? Do I need to restore my containers filesystem ? Is there any 
> guide/documentation around it ?
> Thanks before hand!
> Best,
> Martín

Hey there,

You should just need to install lxcfs and then any container you start
or restart will be using it. There's no way to set it up against a
running container, but there's also no need to restart all your
containers immediately, you can slowly roll it out if that helps.

And no changes needed to the containers, it gets setup automatically
through a lxc hook when the container starts.

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer

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