On 08/18/2018 05:48 PM, Pierre Couderc wrote:
On 08/18/2018 04:16 PM, Stéphane Graber wrote:
On Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 12:02:02PM +0200, Pierre Couderc wrote:
Error: Failed container creation:
  - Error transferring container data: exit status 12   - https://[2a01:a34:eaaf:c5f0:ca60:ff:fa5a:fd23]:8443: Error transferring container data: websocket: bad handshake

I have tried :
nous@couderc:~$rsync -avz root@    .
and too :
root@server:~# rsync -avz /var/lib/lxd/containers/debian/ nous@

work without problem

(in this "LXD only server", only root is used : no non LXD application, no other user).
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