Just installed lxd from snap on a Ubuntu 18.04 server and launched the first container:

# snap list
Name              Version    Rev    Tracking  Publisher   Notes
amazon-ssm-agent  2.3.612.0  1335   stable/…  aws✓        classic
core              16-2.39.3  7270   stable    canonical✓  core
lxd               3.14       11098  stable    canonical✓  -

# lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 terraform
Creating terraform
Starting terraform

However, I'm not able to set security.protection.delete for containers created here:

# lxc config set terraform security.protection.delete true
Error: Invalid config: Unknown configuration key: security.protection.delete

Also doesn't work when I try to set it via "lxc config edit".

This works perfectly on other LXD servers, so I'm a bit puzzled why it won't work here?

Tomasz Chmielewski
lxc-users mailing list

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