Hi Fajar,

its "dir":

lxc storage show default | grep driver
driver: dir



Am 13.01.20 um 03:32 schrieb Fajar A. Nugraha:
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 5:01 AM Oliver Rath <oli...@greenunit.de> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Im using lxd 3.18 on ubuntu 18.04. Now i realized, that my (fast) space
>> of lxc-vms exhausted, so i decided to put mv my snaps to another drive
>> with changing the directory "containers-snapshots" into a softlink
>> redirecting the snapshots to another drive.
>> Unfortunatly on creating a new snapshots got the message
>> cannot create directory
>> "/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default/containers-snapshots",
>> file exists.
>> I assume, that the lxc doesnt recognize, that containers-snapshots is a
>> (correct) link to the corresponding files. What can I do?
> What is the backing storage of your default lxd storage pool on? If
> unsure, run "lxc storage show default | grep driver".
> lxc snapshots uses snapshot feature of the underlying storage (if
> available), so you can't simply trick it with symlinks.
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