
So I've migrated my whole system via rsync from f2fs to btrfs on a new drive, and, after rebooting, all my unpriviledged lxc containers refused to start.


lxc-start ... ERROR conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:2779 - newuidmap failed to write mapping "newuidmap: Could not set caps": newuidmap 2413 0 4000000 1 1 4000001 65534 lxc-start ... ERROR start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1690 - Failed to set up id mapping.

Granting more rights after some searching in their unit files:


made them work again. Being curios, I then booted from the old f2fs drive again and the containers are coming up without above capability additions.

Back to btrfs and those are needed.

Any idea, what may be going on here?

Thanks Ede

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