Greetings, Koehler!

> Ok you are not helpful, not sure why you are replying.

"Your answer is invalid, you should give me the answers I expect, everything
else is useless."

Sorry, but with such attitude, you get what you deserve.

>  My os already provides kernel modules and script within init to load them
> up and that actually works already.  And yes I want those modules loaded by
> my os in the container and made available to host as well.  I have no issue
> with that, I am fine with my os  container altering the shared kernel aspect.
>  I am facing an issue where I can’t sgare eth0/eth1 since lxd is unable to
> add macvlan, getting “operation not supported” which I am trying to figure
> out is likely related to my linux kernel optiona, even thought
> CONFIG_MACVLAN os set to y, likely some other  options are missing.
>  Anyway thanks for you opinion but so far things are very close to working.
> On Jun 17, 2020, 9:35 AM -0400, Andrey Repin <>, wrote:
>  Greetings, Koehler!
> But I do not want kernel virtualization, not sure where you saw me ask for
>  that, I want the exact opposite, I want the kernel to be share, meaning same
>  kernel, same instance, with just layers on top, exactly as system containers 
> do.
>  Then stop mentioning kernel modules loading. You can't load kernel modules, 
> if
>  you don't drop to the kernel level.
> It is unconventional to run a system container without any security and
>  such, yet, as seen in the thread I am not alone, but very few.
>  Load kernel modules on the host and run your applications where they should
>  run.
>  Or use proper VM already.
>  --
>  With best regards,
>  Andrey Repin
>  Wednesday, June 17, 2020 16:23:01
>  Sorry for my terrible english...
>  _______________________________________________
>  lxc-users mailing list

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Monday, June 22, 2020 20:23:31

Sorry for my terrible english...
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