
I’m trying to join a node to a lxd cluster that has different storage 
configuration. My cluster uses storage pool ‘local’ in zfs pool ‘ee’ and the 
new node uses ‘rpool/lxd’. Although the documentation 
(https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/docs/master/clustering.html) suggests that 
should be possible, no matter what I put in the preseed yaml it always either 
tries to import the zfs pool ‘ee’ or create an already existing pool ‘local'

Does anyone know what is the correct syntax or is it possible at all?

$ lxd init --preseed < /tmp/cluster.yaml
$ cat /tmp/cluster.yaml
  enabled: true
  server_name: ${HOSTNAME%%.*}
  server_address: ${HOSTNAME%%.*}:8443
  cluster_address: lxd1:8443
  cluster_certificate: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE——
  cluster_password: “..."

# no matter what i put after this line it is always the same errors
# Error: Failed to join cluster: Failed to initialize member: Failed to 
initialize storage pools and networks: Failed to create storage pool 'local': 
Storage pool directory "/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/local" already 
# or, if the new member’s local pool is not called ‘local’ then it complains 
about zpool import ‘ee’ failed.

  - entity: storage-pool
    name: cluster
    key: source
    value: "rpool/lxd"
    key: zfs.pool_name
    value: "rpool/lxd"
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