
As part of moving some of our services to newer infrastructure,
consolidating things where they make sense and in general reducing the
amount of time I need to spend maintaining things, the
linuxcontainers.org mailing-lists will soon be migrated over to Google

linuxcontainers.org has been a Google Workspace domain for a couple of
years now and all e-mails in and out of our mailing-lists were already
routed through Google's SMTP infrastructure with mailman used at the
mailing-list engine on our end.

As I'm re-deploying all linuxcontainers.org services on new hardware
and upgrading to more recent Linux distributions, I was left with the
following options:
 - Keep lists.linuxcontainers.org running on an older distro to keep mailman2
 - Bite the bullet and go through a full migration to mailman3 (which
for just 3 mailing-lists looks very difficult)
 - Move to an alternative solution

As we're already using Google for all e-mail delivery and the existing
Google Workspace plan I'm using includes the full version of Google
Groups, that seems the easiest approach, completely eliminating any
need for maintenance.

I've already migrated a couple of lists I used to host over to it and
have been able to successfully do it while retaining the entirety of
the mailing-list archive.
I intend to do the same for the linuxcontainers.org lists, effectively
stopping e-mail delivery to the lists, transfer the existing archive
over to Google Groups and then move all members over.

For existing members, this should be pretty seamless with the main
difference being for new subscribers where
https://lists.linuxcontainers.org will now send people to Google
Groups for membership management and for access to the archive. To
avoid breaking all links on Google, I'll keep a static version of the
old mailing-list archive online at their current URL so that any link
to them will keep working in the future.

I expect the transition to happen over the next week or so. I'll be
replying to this e-mail once it's all done.


lxc-users mailing list

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