Quoting Brian K. White (br...@aljex.com):
> But also, since upgrading to kernel 2.6.36 (and already using lxc 0.7.2) 
> I haven't had to delete any cgroups manually anyways. It's probably not 
> my release_agent because I just noticed I didn't have a working 
> release_agent (no output in it's log, probably because the script wasn't 
> chmod 755)
> It's only been a couple days and only a few starts/stops while working 
> on a new start/stop/status init script though.

Hm, really?  Can you please let me know if that continues to be the
case?  If it is, then I won't bother with a patch for lxc.  Really,
since it'll drop ns cgroup support anyway, I suppose the patch might
not be worthwhile anyway.

(I ran my test on a 2.6.35 kernel)

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