Quoting Geordy Korte (gko...@gmail.com):
> This basically tells me that pivot_root is umounting the mount I just made.
> Can anyone help me with this??? I have also tried putting the mount inside
> the fstab for the container but same problem.

Have you entered the container to verify?  I would have guessed that
the unmounting is just a part of unmounting the *old* fs tree.

You have /var/lib/lxc, under which is the container's rootfs, and the
debug tells you that the original / is left under /var/lib/lxc/mnt.
Meaning that after the pivot_root, you have '/' as the container's
root (the old /var/lib/lxc), and '/mnt' containing the old '/'.  Now
lxc recursively unmounts /mnt.  It's just a part of the pivot_root
procedure.  (see man 8 pivot_root)

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