
I am in the middle of researching a switch from VMware's free ESXi server to
Linux containers.  I have found somewhat spotty documentation which in
general does not bother me, but I have come to a bit of a roadblock.

I use  Gentoo as my distribution of choice (I have many machines running
Gentoo and I am not likely to switch anytime soon).

Gentoo has an unsupported script called lxc-gentoo that will go through the
motions of setting up a container.  I have used this script to create a


While the container starts succesfully, it is not without a few messages
that concern me:

* Remounting root filesystem read-only ...
mount: / is busy                                                          [
!! ]

/lib64/rcscripts/sh/ line 412: /etc/init.d/udev-postmount:
Permission denied

Everything proceeds as expected with me being able to ssh into the new IP
address, etc.  The problem comes when I perform a

shutdown -h now

Once this command is run from within the container, I can no longer start
the container again with failure messages that look as such:

lxc-start: Permission denied - failed to create pty #0
lxc-start: failed to create the ttys
lxc-start: failed to initialize the container

These symptoms sound strikingly similar to the following email on this list:

I do see some speculation in the emails, but I am not finding a ready
solution that I see to implement.

Any help to resolve the above situations would be appreciated.


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