
Which 10 gb adapter did you use in the esx box? I have test data on a broadcom 
10 gb adapter that shows very poor results in thruput. The problem is that the 
chip on the broadcom only pump 25% of the 10 gb when talking to non broadcom 
adapters. We have several level 3 calls open regarding this. One of my clietns 
for example has 4 x 10 gb on an lacp but will only manage to fill 7% on a 
single threaded tcp ip transfer, when he uses multiple tcp threads to transfer 
gpfs data he suddenly reaches 90%.

i do not know this tool but try the same using iperf and set it up using 
multiple streams... You will get higher values.

My 2cents

Sent from my iPad

On May 23, 2011, at 13:22, Ulli Horlacher <frams...@rus.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:

> A small network application benchmark between LXC and VMware ESX:
> ESX:
> framstag@diaspora:~: fexsend  -i unifex /tmp/2GB.tmp .
> Server/User: http://fex.uni-stuttgart.de/frams...@rus.uni-stuttgart.de
> /tmp/2GB.tmp : 2048 MB in 87 s (24105 kB/s)
> LXC:
> framstag@diaspora:~: fexsend  -i flupp /tmp/2GB.tmp .
> Server/User: http://flupp/frams...@rus.uni-stuttgart.de
> /tmp/2GB.tmp : 2048 MB in 24 s (87381 kB/s)
> The ESX host has about twice of native CPU and disk power than the LXC
> host. ESX has 10 Gb/s, LXC has 1 GB/s. Both VMs run the same software.
> -- 
> Ullrich Horlacher              Server- und Arbeitsplatzsysteme
> Rechenzentrum                  E-Mail: horlac...@rus.uni-stuttgart.de
> Universitaet Stuttgart         Tel:    ++49-711-685-65868
> Allmandring 30                 Fax:    ++49-711-682357
> 70550 Stuttgart (Germany)      WWW:    http://www.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/
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