Quoting Julien VAUBOURG (jul...@vaubourg.com):
>  Hi all,
>  I would like to handle disk quotas of my containers, but in avoiding to 
>  use partitions.
>  With linux-vserver, this is possible with the xid tagging and the 
>  vdlimit command[0].
>  Would you know if LXC can use xid in the same way ?
>  Thanks in advance.
>  Cheers,
>  Ju.
>  [0] http://linux-vserver.org/Disk_Limits_and_Quota

The vserver xid tagging is not upstream.  You can port that support and
either patch your own kernel or try to push it upstream.

As an alternative, see 'man xfs_quota' for directory tree quotas, which
may give you what you need.


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