Quoting nishant mungse (nishantmun...@gmail.com):
> hi all
>  when i  write create commnd it shows this output::
> lxc-create -n ubuntu -t lucid -f /home/nishant/ubuntu.conf
> debootstrap is /usr/sbin/debootstrap
> Checking cache download in /var/cache/lxc/lucid/rootfs-
> i386 ...
> Downloading ubuntu lucid minimal ...
> I: Retrieving Release
> And hangs here....
> or sum times shows failed to download. My internet connection is working
> properly. Is there sumtng i m missing??

What is your host distro+release?  what is in /home/nishant/ubuntu.conf?
What is in /etc/default/lxc?  What do you get when you just do

   sudo debootstrap lucid lucid-dir


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