Quoting Arie Skliarouk (sklia...@gmail.com):
> Hi,
> I understand that this is not the quite appropriate mailing list to ask the
> question, but the question is related to the LXC tech we use on the server,
> so here it goes:
> Most of the time the LXC containers on our servers work properly, but
> occasionally someone, somewhere starts an IO heavy operation that kills
> performance for everybody. For some time I tried to ask people nicely to
> use "ionice -c 3" or run the task offhours but this is not enough. The
> problem happens quite often for people to complain, but not (IMHO) to
> warrant purchasing of new hardware.
> I envision that an ideal solution would be some daemon that would monitor
> disk IO activity and automatically reduce (or raise, depending how you view
> it) ionice priority of the process or the container. The daemon would
> restore the IO niceness after some good behavior period.
> Is there any solution along the lines?

Have you tried the blkio cgroup?  (I haven't, so am curious how effective
it is)


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