On Mon, 12 Dec 2011, István Király - LaKing wrote:

Hi folks.

I'm trying to compose a system, where lxc containers behave like virtual hosts for a web server.

As next step I would like to minimize container size. My question is, what the best, most elegant and fail proof  technique for that?

At this moment I'm thinking of a "master container" and "slave containers" where the /usr folder for example in the slave containers is a mount from the master container. That gives a significant size drop already, from 400 to 40 megabytes.

I would like to keep the containers really minimal. 4 megabyte should be small enough.

Lets say only some important files in /etc ....

Has anyone any experience with this technique?   Thank you for sharing.

I use something similar for my hosted PBXs (asterisk).

Each PBX container mounts a commonn set of directories from teh host for the asterisk installation - e.g. the asterisk binaries, libraries, modules and sounds. also a common set for apache. This is all in the fstab referenced from each containers config file, so they're all bind-mounted at container start time. (read only too)

One thing to beware of - you can't share everything like this - e.g. /usr - which I initially thought I could - well, maybe I could, but doing things like apt-get update in one container would potentially update files in /usr in all containers which might not be the best thing. You could probably do it with care though - I simply can't be bothered.

I have to say: I'm not really that bothered about disk space - it's not a big deal. I do it that way as it makes it easier to update asterisk over all the containers. My "LAMP" type containers don't do any of this.

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