Hi there!

I'm trying to get LXC to work for me on Debian Wheezy/amd64 and I'm having a
Hellish time. I'm following the advice on wiki.debian.org and other places,
and I believe I'm creating my containers correctly, but when I launch a
container, I get a bunch of messages about needing root to set a hostname,
needing root to mount things, needing root to do various other things, and I
see sshd fail to create keys, and at the very end I get nothing. No console.
I can't use the console command to connect - I get nothing. The status tool
says things are running.

lxc-checkconfig says everything is hunky-dory and I'm not deviating from the

Can someone suggest what might be going wrong here?


Mason Loring Bliss  <--------->  ma...@blisses.org
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

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